Saturday, January 22, 2011

Lessons from the Potty

Elle has been potty-trained for several months now, but she still occasionally has accidents at school. I can always judge the success of the day by whether or not she is wearing the same pants (+/- socks and shoes) that she spent 20 minutes insisting on doing it herself I dressed her in. This time as I was handed the tightly tied grocery bag of toxic waste peed-upon cinderella panties, E's teacher reassured me that "the accident" occurred while she was en route to the potty. I felt better, knowing she didn't deliberately conspire to exponentially increase my laundry burden. But for some reason, the interaction made me think for a (fleeting) profound moment about our intentions. Even when when we mean well, even with the best intentions, we can still find a way to mess up. A lot of my mistakes in life seem to come because, although I'm steadfastly headed in the right direction, I just can't "hold it" till the finish line. And while I'm sure that God sighs with frustration when that is the case, I can't imagine how disappointed he is when we just stand out in the middle of the playground and create more dirty laundry for him. Even after he's asked us if we need to go a thousand times, and we've resolutely said "No" each time. Thank goodness he's willing to wash out our Cinderella panties each night.

Sorry, E. You can censor this next year when you figure out html...

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