Thursday, April 29, 2010

Dew! And One...Two...

When E and I are ready to lure Jay out of bed, we can always do so with his favorite first-thing-in-the-morning carbonated confection... Diet Dew! Elle can spot the logo a mile away (as the incredulous Sheetz employees found out), and loves nothing more than pursing her lips in somewhat of a howling wolf fashion to say "Dewwwwww!". Don't worry, if you ask her if the Dew is for Elle, she says "Nooooo, milk for Elle!"
She then proceeds to count the stairs-- I've always done this counting to 5, but recently when I got to 5 she said Six! So I guess now she's graduated to 10. For reasons unbeknownst to me, she is not a big fan of 9. Ready to get on to 10, I suppose. Sorry for the poor filming-- lovely footage of the stairs! It's hard to hold a toddler's hand, count, and make sure the Dew doesn't become an explosive device upon opening!

1 comment:

Cassidy said...

Haha! Lil does the same thing, but she leaves out 4 and 5. Too cute!