Thursday, February 4, 2010

Costco Junkies

People have stopped saying "I bet you got that at Costco", and now just assume the answer is yes. We have long been on a first name basis with the employees, regularly get "extra" samples, and start to develop a slight tremor after a few days away from the long aisles of industrial sized household items. Jay might even have the Costco Tire head guy on speed dial for quick reference and random automotive inquiries. But I'm not allowed to confirm that.

The other day we were walking across the parking lot in our well-worn path from Shane's to Costco, and noticed that E had a flat stroller tire. The rest is much more aptly described in the picture below. Note Elle's supervision of the affair.

E and Costco go way back. In fact, her first venture out of newborn aseptic-ness was to Costco. A natural bargain shopper from birth.

See her eyeing that Executive Membership? Mmm-hmmm....

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