Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Gorgeous weather this weekend meant lots of outside fun-- Elle befriended the geese in the lake behind our house, and fed them corn kernels. The next morning when she came downstairs, she went to the deck door and said "Geese? Geese?" Not particularly wanting to trudge through the backyard in our pj's and bedheads, I told her I thought the geese were sleeping. She didn't skip a beat, and came back immediately with, "Geese sleeping? Geese wake up!"

We gave the geese a (short) reprieve, and went to see them a little later in the day. At some point a particularly aggressive one decided to charge me with his big scary wide open goose mouth making big scary goose noises... I scooped up Elle, threw the cup of food at him in some absurd form of defense, and bolted. Over my shoulder, I could hear E saying "Bye-bye Geese, bye-byeeeeee...." Oh to have had a video camera.

We also enjoyed many wagon rides... E is obsessed with the thing, to the point that if we are pulling in the driveway and she sees it parked by the house she will Wagon, Wagon, Wagon you to death if you don't oblige. For some reason she only wants me to push, so if Jay tries she'll shake her head vehemently and say "No Dada, Mama push!" So there have been a few times when Mama (in her skirt and heels from work) has pulled Dada and Elle in the wagon up and down the driveway. Neighbors must think we're insane.

Mama, push FAST!

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