I love the way your eyes disappear when you give me that scrunched-up face smile.
I love the passion with which you embrace all things in life. You wear your emotions on your sleeve, and while that can certainly be trying at times, I hope you always feel comfortable pouring your heart out to me.
Dear girls,
Remember that you can face any challenge in life, no matter how big or intimidating. And remember that it's always easier with each other.
My loves,
Be yourself. If that means tutus and mismatched leggings, then so be it. I will always love you, no matter how tacky you are.
Yo, munchkin:
You're not a morning person. I get that. But maybe... just maybe... if you'd sleep in just a little longer, you'd wake up in a better mood? Or at least your Mommy might.
My beautiful girls,
Love your body. Even if you don't fit into all the things you'd like.
Dear girls,
Choose you friends wisely.
Dear little daredevil,
I love that you aren't afraid of anything. This also stresses me out.
Dear ravenous pirannah children,
I understand that you're starving when we get home in the evenings. But I am a much more efficient dinner-maker when I don't have one arm occupied with holding the wee pirranah and the other consoling her big sister whilst listening to you whine in accordance with your respective stages of verbal development about how hungry you are.
Feed me |
Dear Elise,
My current favorite thing in the whole wide world is your eagerness to oblige when I ask for a hug or kiss.
Little ones,
Please, please. Don't grow up too fast.
My darlings,
Be compassionate. Remember to help those around you.
Dear kids,
Don't be afraid to get your feet wet. I love that you both are brave and adventurous.
Dearest E,
When I say I need to go do dishes and make lunches and clean up instead, remind me that the dishes aren't going anywhere. You won't always ask me to snuggle with you before you go to sleep.
I don't think it's possible to be a working mom and not feel guilty about being away from your kids. But I hope you both know that at the end of the day, you are my top priority. And that you can be anything you want to be whether that's a doctor, a ballerina, a race car driver, or a princess. Or all of the above.
Sweet sweet girls,
I am so proud of you both. I would do anything in this world for you.
Love, Your Mommy
sweetest thing ever and so true. :) We need to get together soon
Love this post! And before I read Suz's comment I knew she was the one that commented. : ) Must be a twin thing. LOL!
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